Sae Jong Camp Featured on Michigan Radio: Stateside

? Listen to this! This past June, we had the opportunity to speak with Cynthia Canty of Michigan Radio on their Stateside program which covers a wide range of Michigan news and policy issues — as well as culture and lifestyle stories. We’d like to thank Cynthia and Michigan Radio for taking the time to share the SJC story with our region and the rest of the world, as well as Camp Westminster for continually supporting our camp year after year. Shout out to Doug and Kyle for an amazing job with the interview. You can listen to Kyle and Doug talk about Sae Jong Camp’s history, and what it’s like being a camper at SJC here:

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#217ecd” size=”8″ radius=”5″ icon=”icon: file-sound-o”]Listen to the interview[/su_button]


You can also listen via their podcast on iTunes or GooglePlay Music